2021-06-03 14:55:57 吉林公务员考试网 jl.huatu.com 文章来源:敦化华图教育
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1.相反动作 opposite actions
Now, when I say “up”, you should keep sitting and say one word. When I say “down”, you should stand up immediately and say one word. When I say “left”, you should look right and say one word. When I say “right”, you should look left and say one word.
2.我比划你猜I do, you guess
Iwill divide you into two groups and each group choose one student to play the game. One writes a word on the blackboard, the other needs to do actions and his team members guess the word. Then take turn and go on. Five minutes later, which group guess more words will be the winner.
3.句子接龙Sentence chain
试讲语言:You should use these specific sentences. When I ask you a question, you should answer my question and ask another student one question. Now, let’s play the game.
4.大小声opposite tune
试讲语言:When I read the word loudly, you should read it quietly. When I read quietly, you should read loudly.
5.传球游戏Pass the ball
试讲语言:Now, let's play a game. I will choose two groups to play this game at the same time, I need you pass the sentence one by one while passing the ball. The group which pass the ball and the sentence quickly and well is the winner.
以上就是【 2021教师招聘考试备考指导:英语面试课堂操练考情分析】的相关介绍,如果要了解更多热门资讯,欢迎关注吉林华图教育。
上一篇: 2021教师招聘考试备考指导:幼教面试考情考务分析