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教师招聘说课稿:Unit 5 Do you like pears?

2021-06-14 14:55:32 吉林公务员考试网 jl.huatu.com 文章来源:辽源华图


教师招聘说课稿:Unit 5 Do you like pears?

  Lesson type: Listening and speaking

  Period: 1

  Teaching aims

  1. Knowledge aims

  Studentsare to enable to listen, read and write the new words of some fruit, including apple, pear, banana, orange and their plural form.

  Studentscan to understand and use the sentence pattern of “—Do you like...?—Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.” for expression.

  2. Ability aim

  Develop students’ ability of speaking and to train theirability of communication in the real situation.

  3. Emotional aims

  To encourage students to love reading and enjoy their lives and to let the ss cultivating a good habit of eating healthily.

  Teaching key points

  Students are able to listen, read and write the new words and their plural form.

  Teaching difficult points

  The correct pronunciationof the new words and the students’ ability of using the sentence patterns into real life fluently.

  Teaching procedures

  Step 1 Warming-up& Leading-in

  Lead the studentsto sing the song of “Finger fruit” which is the homework of last class together with the studentsto build up an active atmosphere and arouse students’ learning enthusiasms. At the same time, it can make the studentsperceive the new knowledge that is going to be learned today.

  Step 2 Presentation

  To teach new word “apple” through showing the fruit having been prepared before class. Then I will take out two apples and tell the studentsthey are “apples” so as to enable the studentsunderstand the pluralform of the word. Afterwards, I will lead in sentences “—Do you like apples?—Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.” by way of asking and answer. The other words like orange, pear and banana will be taught in the same way.

  Step 3 Practice

  Activity 1: Fruit down

  Four studentsstand in the front of the class. Everyone hold a card with the pictures of apple, pear, banana and orange. I will show the word card and the other ss say the word out loudly. Meanwhile, the student with the right fruit need squat down.

  Activity 2: Little detective

  One student is asked to stand on the platform and close his eyes, playing the role of little detective. Then I will choose one student from the others as the spy and say the sentences like “—Do you like apples/ pears/ bananas/ oranges?—Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.” As the detective open his eyes, the others should repeat my words, but the spy must make a mouth shape instead of making a sound. If the detective find out the spy, the spy should sing a song. On the contrary, the detective should give a performance to the class.

  Step 4 Consolidation

  Divide the whole class into four groups to play competitive answering game. Every group has a host and a recorder. The other members are competitors. The host describes the fruit and the competitors should race to give the right English word. The first one will get one score. The recorder should write down everyone’s scores. The one with the highest scores will be the winner.

  Step 5 Summary

  Studentsmake a summary on what they have learned today, and I will make proper supplements. What’smore, I will tell the studentsto eat more fruit to keep healthy. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

  Step 6 Homework

  To review the new knowledge having been learned today.

  To eat more fruit to keep healthy.

  Blackboard design

  Unit 5 Do you like pears?(人教版三年级下册)

  Let’s learn

  apple pear banana orange

  —— Do you like apples/ pears/ bananas/ oranges?

  —— Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

  Unit 5 Do you like pears?(试讲稿)

  《Do you like pears?》选自人教版小学英语三年级下册


  Step 2 Presentation

  T: Boys and girls, look here. What’s this?

  S: Apple.

  T: Wow, you all know it. Yes, it is apple. Read after me. Apple, apple, apple. Boys. Girls. OK, now, how many apples are there in my hand?

  S: There are two apples.

  T: Yes. Two apples. Follow me, please. Apples, apples. Do you like apples?

  S: Yes.

  T: Oh, you like it. You can say “Yes, I do.”Well, if you don’t like apples, you can say...

  S: No, I don’t.

  T: Very good. I have another kind of fruit. Look. It is...? Right. In English we call it pear. Read after me. Pear, pear, pear. Now there are two...

  S: Pears.

  T: Very good. Two pears. Do you like pears?

  S: Yes, I do.

  T: Great. Wait a minute, my magic is unfinished. Enn... surprise. Do you like bananas and oranges?

  S1: Yes, I do.

  S2: No, I don’t.


  T: OK. Who can read the sentence for us? Any one wants to have a try? The girl in red.Your pronunciation is very standard. Now the whole class read after her please. Excellent. Sit down please.

  Step 3 Practice

  T: I need four students to stand here. Any volunteers? OK, you four, please. Here are four pictures. Each of you choose one. The other students, I will show word card, and you say it out loudly. Meanwhile, the student of you four with the right fruit need squat down. Are you clear? Let’s go. The first one...

  S: Apple.

  T: The next one...

  S: Banana.

  ... ...

  T: Well done. Go back to your seat, please. Do you remember the game of little detective? Who wants to be today’s detective? Our monitor? May I come you to the front? Great. Close your eyes, please. Who wants to be the spy? OK, you. The first sentenceis“—Do you like oranges?— No, I don’t.” Little detective, open you eyes. The others, repeat the words please.

  S: —Do you like oranges?— No, I don’t.

  T: OK, who is the spy?

  S: ...

  T: You are so smart. Next round...OK,stop here.

  Step 4 Consolidation

  T: Let’move on to another activity. Four groups as before. We are going to playcompetitive answering game. Every group choose a host and a recorder. The other members play the roles of competitors. The host describes the fruit and the competitors should race to give the right English word. The first one will get one score. The recorder should write down everyone’s scores. The one with the highest scores will be the winner. Understand?

  S: Yes.

  T: OK, go. Time is up. If there is any group want to perform in front of the class? Be active, please. Yeah, group 2, come on.

  S: ......

  T: Wonderful. Thank you very much.

  Step 5 Summary

  T: So much for this class. Everyone did well today. Congratulations to yourselves! What have we learned today? Could my representative do a summary for us?

  S: We learned many fruit.

  T: Great. Fruit is very good to our health. Therefore, we should eat more to keep a balanced diet.

  Step 6 Homework

  T: After class, remember to review the new knowledge we have learned today. In addition, remember to eat more fruit to keep healthy. We know an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Understand? Good. Class is over. See you next time.

  S: See you.


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面授课程—— 助你上岸

招考公告—— 招考资讯

图书推荐—— 图书教材

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