2021-04-01 09:39:58 银行招聘考试网 jl.huatu.com 文章来源:吉林华图
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1.She was able to get the government and ( ) companies to help patients with the cost of their care.
A. insurance
B. sanction
C. assumption
D. assurance
2.Differential diagnosis methods help to rule ( ) unrelated diseases based on the information provided.
A. for
B. in
C. with
D. out
【答案】D。“不同的诊断方法可以帮助…无关疾病”。A项rule for短语不存在;B项rule in:划入;C项rule with:用…方式管理;D项rule out: 排除、取消。根据句意可知补充“排除无关疾病”更合适,所以答案选D。
3.Provision of medical care is classified into primary, secondary, and ( ) care categories.
A. three
B. third
C. tertiary
D. the third