投射效应(projection effect)

Ø 中文含义:
Ø 英文释义:
The act of imaging that sb is thinking the same as you and is reacting in the same way. It is likely to give rise to misunderstanding, discord and anxiety, leaving the problem unsolved or even worsened.
Ø 实战演练:
1. 热点类话题
How to deal with stress?
Para. 1 Confirm the existence of stress.
Para. 2 Analyze the sources of stress(工作、生活、人际交往、学业)
Stress may also arise from one’s weakness in properly dealing with interpersonal relationship. It’s easy for us to assume/It is often taken for granted that we and other people think alike/share the same mind, making us susceptible to the projection effect. When subsequent disagreement comes into being, anxiety and stress emerges. (Paralyzed his trust/faith/believe)
2. 教育类话题(父母对孩子的高期望也是一种投射(送出国、学医、学经济、 工作安排(公务员、从商;)结婚、不结婚; 和谁结婚…))
Chinses parents are universally famed/reputed for the high demand and expectation they cherish for their kids. From the moment the children are born, they are expected to step on and follow the life path perfectly paved by their parents. Parents shall never be unfairly criticized for hoping the good for their offspring. Nevertheless what is worth mentioning here is that most parents may be prone to projection effect, deciding on everything for their children according to their own preference instead of their kids’. Consequently, kids start to become uneasy and rebellious.