2021-04-16 11:41:07 银行招聘考试网 jl.huatu.com 文章来源:吉林华图
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1. There is much that science still cannot explain, such as what existed before our universe began, how life ( ) arose on earth, and much more.
A. undoubtedly
B. repeatedly
C. naturally
D. conventionally
2. The museum contains several ( ) works of Renaissance art, including two paintings by Raphael, one by Durer, one by Titian, and an early sketch by Tintoretto.
A. useless
B. priceless
C. valueless
D. worthless
3. Try to make your report as ( ) possible: only give us the facts, and not your options.
A. subjective
B. objectionable
C. subjected
D. objective