2021-04-02 16:16:11 吉林公务员考试网 jl.huatu.com 文章来源:公主岭华图
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1.Hawass said the collection of workers’ tombs, some of ( ) were found in the 1990s, were among the most significant findings in the 20th and 21st centuries.
A. them
B. which
C. whom
D. who
2.He appreciated ( ) the chance to deliver his thesis in the annual symposium on Comparative Literature.
A. having given
B. to have been given
C. to have given
D. having been given
【答案】B。“他很感激能得到机会,在比较文学的研讨会上提交自己的论文”。空缺处前面已经有谓语动词,故空缺处应该填入非谓语形式。主语是人,宾语是机会,两者之间是被动关系,因此使用被动语态,选项AC排除。Appreciate to do sth是固定搭配,所以答案选B。
3.( ) the brain’s workings is a tremendous challenge and, judging by the advance of current processor power and complexity, will take at least several decades more to reach even the most elementary levels.
A. Imitating
B. Observing
C. Increasing
D. Speculating