2021-03-25 08:55:40 银行招聘考试网 jl.huatu.com 文章来源:吉林华图
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2021年3月11日银行校园招聘每日一练 (三)
1.Renewable electricity generation is now on par with ( ) of natural gas, which remained relatively stable in last years.
A. which
B. the one
C. that
D. what
【答案】C。that指代的是electricity。A项指的是物,往往要做主语,其他的the one在这里一般指的是人。D项也是要充当主语的位置,所以答案选C。
2.Even if you don’t actually carry out all the actions you say you will take, honest students will appreciate knowing that you care enough about academic ( ) to take precautions.
A. reliability
B. unity
C. integrity
D. entirety
3.Authorities gave them a few hours to ( ) their belongings before it was detonated later that morning.
A. retrieve
B. release
C. reassure
D. revive