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2020年模拟题 招教 笔试 英语 小学 教学设计典型必做题3题(3)——语法课

2020-04-21 15:43:43 教师招聘考试网 jl.huatu.com 文章来源:华图教育


2020年模拟题 招教 笔试 英语 小学 教学设计典型必做题3题(3)——语法课


  Please write a teaching plan of the first period of the past tense in primary school. Your teaching material should be presented in your teaching plan.








  1. Teaching Objectives

  (1) Knowledge Objectives

  ①Students can read and speak the following words and expressions: watched TV, washed the clothes, cleaned the room, stayed at home.

  ②Students can learn to use the past simple, and can use “what did you do last weekend” appropriately.

  (2) Ability Objective

  Students can use the past simple to describe the things happened in the past by learning the new sentence patterns.

  (3) Emotional Objectives

  Students can talk about the things in the past with their partner and learn to communicate with friends around themselves.

  2.Teaching Key and Difficult Points

  (1) Master the key words and expressions, such as: watched TV, washed the clothes, cleaned the room, stayed at home.

  (2) Students can use the the Simple Past Tense to communicatewithothersfreely and correctly.

  3. Teaching Methods

  Communicative method; Task-based teaching method

  4. Teaching Aids

  Blackboard, multimedia, tape recorder, pictures

  5. Teaching Procedures

  Step 1: Lead-in

  Firstly, the teacher plays the song Last Weekend. Next, the teacher asks students how they spend their holiday to lead students to discussabout their activities using the present simple. Then point to the topic “last weekend”to lead in the definition of the past simple.

  Intention: Help students review the present simpleand lay a foundation for the new lesson.

  Step 2: Presentation

  Show some pictures to students and ask them totalk with each other. Ask students “what did he do?” and lead them to answer “He watched TV”, “She washed the clothes”, “We cleaned the room” and “They stayed at home”. Then lead students to learn the new words and expressions.

  Intention:Students can learn new words and sentences using direct approach and then can use the Simple Past Tense in the right situation

  Step3: Practice

  (1) Pair work

  Students can ask their partners “What did you do last weekend” and their partners can answer “I…” by using the new sentence patterns. They can get familiar with the grammar Simple Past Tense.

  (2) Groups’ PK

  Guide students to work in groupsof three.Oneacts,while the other twoask andanswer.One asks “What did he do?”, the other answers “I …” according to the actions.

  Intention:Students can practice and remember these new phrases and sentences by these two activities.

  Step 4: Consolidation

  Make a survey

  Students can make a survey using these sentences “What did you do on weekend? I cleaned my home/stayed at home…”.

  Intention: Students can learn to use new sentences in real language situation.

  Step 5: Summary

  Students summarize the language points they have learned in this lesson; the teacher makes supplements and emphasizes the importance of communicating withfriends around themselves.

  Step 6: Homework

  Make a survey about what students’ family members didon lastweekend.

  Step 7: Blackboard Design

网课学习—— 华图优品

面授课程—— 助你上岸

招考公告—— 招考资讯

图书推荐—— 图书教材








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